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About xcube-smos


You can find the complete xcube-smos changelog here.


If you have suggestions, ideas, feature requests, or if you have identified a malfunction or error, then please post an issue.


You can install xcube-smos directly from its GitHub repository into a xcube environment created with mamba (recommended) or conda.

mamba create -n xcube -c conda-forge xcube
mamba activate xcube
git clone
cd xcube-smos
pip install --verbose --no-deps --editable .

Testing and Coverage

xcube-smos uses pytest for unit-level testing and code coverage analysis.

pytest --cov=xcube-smos tests

Code Style

xcube-smos source code is formatted using the black tool.

black xcube-smos
black tests


xcube-smos documentation is built using the mkdocs tool.

pip install -r requirements-doc.txt

mkdocs build
mkdocs serve
mkdocs gh-deploy


xcube-smos is open source made available under the terms and conditions of the MIT License.

Copyright © 2024 Brockmann Consult Development