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Feature References

Interface Interface

A list of all the features that the viewer contains will be created here, in which the functionality of each one is explained in more detail.

General Features

Select Dataset

Select Dataset
Feature Name Select Dataset
Description A drop-down menu, grouped by data format, selected dataset is highlighted
  • Holds all datasets available on the server.
  • The map's zoom and pan behavior upon dataset selection depends on user-defined settings.
  • When a new dataset is selected:
    • The first variable in the dataset is automatically selected, or
    • If the new dataset contains a variable with the same name as the previously selected variable, that variable will be pre-selected.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.

Locate Dataset in Map

Locate Dataset
Feature Name Locate Dataset
Description Button
Functionality Pans and zooms to extent of selected dataset.

Select Variable

Select Variable
Feature Name Select Variable
Description A drop-down menu lists all variables in the dataset, ordered according to their sequence in the dataset. User-defined variables are marked with an icon and placed at the bottom of the list. The currently selected variable is highlighted in blue.
Functionality Displays all variables available in the dataset, along with any user-defined variables. The map's zoom and pan behavior when selecting a dataset depends on the user-defined settings.
Aim Enable users to easily access and switch between variables.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.

Show/Hide Layer Panel

Feature Name Show/Hide Layer Panel
Description Button, highlighted when feature is enabled
Functionality Shows or hides the Layer Panel.
Aim Enable users to control the visibility of layers.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.

Layer Panel

Feature Name Layer Panel
Description A draggable window displaying a list of available layers, with options at the bottom to add user-defined basemaps or overlays. Visible layers are marked with a checkmark, while pinned variables are indicated by a pin icon.
Functionality The Layer Panel allows users to show or hide the following layers: the selected variable, pinned variable (marked with an icon), user and dataset places, base map and overlay, the boundary box of the selected dataset, and the RGB of both the selected and pinned dataset. It also enables users to add or modify user variables or overlays, a function that can also be performed in the settings. The window appears when the function is enabled and can be closed either by clicking the X or by clicking the button again.
Aim Enable users to controll the visibility of layers.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.

Information Box

Info box
Feature Name Information Box
Description Button, highlighted when function is enabled
Functionality Displays an information box that provides pixel details for the area being hovered over. This includes latitude, longitude, the selected variable, and the pinned variable.
Aim Enable users to quickly access information about a pixel.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.

Compare Variables

Pin Variables

Pin Variable
Feature Name Pin Variable
Description Button that has a dark background when activated or when a pinned variable is selected.
Functionality The button pins a variable. When a variable is pinned, the split mode for visual comparison is automatically activated, if it hasn't been opened yet. A variable can be unpinned by clicking the button again. If the variable should remain pinned but the split mode should be closed, the split mode button must be clicked.
Aim To pin variables for comparison.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.

Split Mode

Split Mode
Feature Name Split Mode
Description A button, highlighted when the function is enabled. When the mode is activated, the screen is divided in the middle by a slidable line.
Functionality In comparison mode, the currently selected variable is displayed on the right side of the slidable line. If a variable is pinned, it is displayed on the left side of the screen along with its color bar. But the pinned variable can also be made transparent using the layer visibility menu. The slidable line allows users to shift the view, enabling spatial comparison with underlying layers, such as basemaps or the pinned variable. Comparison mode is automatically activated when a variable is pinned, and the variable on the left can be displayed with transparency to enhance the comparison.
Aim Enables visual comparison of the selected variable with another (pinned variable) or with other layers, such as a user basemap or dataset RGB.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.

User Variables

Open User Variable Management

User Variable
Feature Name Open User Variable Management
Description A button that opens a window for managing user variables.
Aim To open user variable management menu.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.

User Variable Management

User Variables Management
Feature Name User Variable Management
Description A window for managing user variables when activated through this feature. The window displays a list of all existing user variables, including their name, title, units, and expression. It also contains various buttons for managing user variables, as well as a button that opens an informational text regarding user variables.
Functionality The following features can be used to manage the variables:

When no variable is selected: When a user variable is selected:
  • Add User Variable: Opens a new window to create a user variable.
  • Duplicate User Variable: Duplicates the selected variable, appending _copy to the title of the duplicate.
  • Edit User Variable: Opens a window similar to the Add User Variable window for editing the selected variable.
  • Remove User Variable: Removes the variable from the list.
Aim To manage user variables.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.

Add User Variables

Add User Variable
Feature Name Add User Variable
Description A window that opens using the +-button in the User Variables Management menu. The window contains input fields for name, title, units, and expression. There is also an option to display various optional components of the expression.
Functionality To successfully add a variable, a valid name and a valid python expression must be provided. title and units are optional fields.
  • The name must be a unique identifier within the User Variables and must start with a letter.
  • The expression is an algebraic expression that follows the syntax of python expressions.
Aim To add user variables.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.

Edit User Variable

Feature Name Edit User Variable
Description A window that opens using the Edit-button in the User Variables Management menu. For layout see add user variables.
Functionality See add user variables.
Aim To edit user variables.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.

Time Series

Add Time Series

Add Time Series
Feature Name Add time series/ Show time-series diagramm
Description A button in the top toolbar with a graph icon, initially disabled. It becomes active only when a location is selected.
Functionality A place must be selected for the feature to work. If not already open, the sidebar will open upon using this feature, displaying the time series data for the selected place. If no data is available for the selected place, an informational pop-up window displays the message: No information data found here along with a warning. And no time series will be added to the diagram.
Aim Create a time series for the selected variable of a selected place.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.


Add Statistics

Add Statistics
Feature Name Add Statistics
Description A button in the top toolbar with a graph icon, initially disabled. It becomes active only when a location is selected.
Functionality A place must be selected for the feature to work. If not already open, the sidebar will open upon using this feature, displaying the statistics for the selected place. If no data is available for the selected place, an informational pop-up window displays the message: No information data found here along with a warning. An empty table is shown in this case.
Aim Create statistics for the selected variable a selected place.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.


Select Place Group

Select Place Group
Feature Name Select Place Group
Description A drop-down menu that lists place groups available on the server, along with a My Places group that contains all the places created in the Viewer. A selected group is marked with a checked checkbox and highlighted background.
Functionality Select one or multiple groups by clicking on their names, which will be marked with a checkmark in the checkbox to display them on the map. Selecting a group does not automatically adjust the map's view to the extent of the place group.
Aim Manage visibility of place groups.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.

Select Place

Select Place
Feature Name Select Place
Description A drop-down menu that contains a list of all places within the selected place groups. The selected place is highlighted in the list.
Functionality Select a place by clicking on it in the list. The selected place will be visually highlighted on the map with a yellow outline. The map automatically pans and zooms to the selected place, if selected in the settings.
Aim Select and focus on a specific place.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.

Rename Place Group/ Place

Rename Place
Feature Name Rename Place Group/ Place
Description A button located next to the drop-down menu.
Functionality Provides the option to rename the selected place or place group. Important: Only place groups created within the Viewer and their associated places can be renamed.
Aim Rename a place group or individual place.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.

Remove Place Group/ Place

Rename Place
Feature Name Remove Place Group/ Place
Description A button located next to the drop-down menu.
Functionality Removes the selected place or place group. Important: Only place groups created within the Viewer and their associated places can be removed.
Aim Remove a place group or individual place.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.

Style Place

Style Place
Feature Name Style Place
Description A button that opens a small window for adjusting colour and opacity. When clicking on the colour box, a drop-down menu with a variety of colours appears. The opacity is controlled with a slider.
Functionality Adjust the appearance (colour and opacity) of the selected place in the window that appears when clicking the button. The changes are immediately reflected on the map. The selected color also determines the representation of points in time series charts.
Aim Change the appearance of a place.
Link to feature mentioned in User Guide.

Locate Place in Map

Style Place
Feature Name Locate Place in Map
Description A button located next to the selection of places.
Functionality Pans and zooms to the selected place on the map.
Aim Locate the selected place on the map.